News and Events
Archived News
- 1st Apr: LBBD Prevent Education Covid-19 ââ¬â Safeguarding at home
- 18th Mar: Nurses contact information
- 11th Mar: Coronavirus (Covid-19)
- 6th Mar: info on coronavirus
- 6th Mar: Simplified Coronavirus advice
- 24th Feb: Packed Lunch Guidance
- 12th Feb: Heathway Programme- February Half Term- 2020
- 28th Nov: Wear it Pink 2019
- 26th Nov: The Heathway Centre Half Term Activity Programme 21 st December ââ¬â 3 rd January 2020
- 12th Jul: Parent's Forum Meeting
- 27th Jun: Sun safe advice
- 18th Jun: Festival of learning
- 10th Jun: Please support this initiative to help your parents
- 13th May: Multi-Sports Progress Project
- 6th Feb: CSE Awareness
- 28th Nov: Promoting positive mental health and resilience in school
- 18th Oct: National story telling day
- 5th Oct: Parent Coffee Morning
- 20th Jul: For GDPR requests please click here
- 20th Jul: For GDPR requests please click here
- 26th Jun: Upper School - Celebration of Achievement
- 22nd Jun: Ofsted - 2018
- 21st May: Privacy notice - GDPR compliant
- 27th Apr: Specialist School Nursing Team Drop In Sessions
- 26th Apr: FEC Borough consultation - Local Transport
- 23rd Apr: Deputy Headteacher running the London marathon
- 19th Mar: Lower School - World book day 2018
- 9th Mar: TVRS - The Vine Kidz
- 26th Feb: New Thames Phab
- 9th Feb: Jon Cruddas MP Visits the FEC
- 7th Feb: Safety warning - ROBLOX
- 5th Feb: Short break 4 me
- 26th Jan: 26/01/18 Lord Taverners 1st Round Boccia
- 10th Jan: Copy of: No debt policy for school meals
- 10th Jan: No debt policy for school meals
- 2nd Oct: Parking at school grounds
- 27th Sep: FEC Coffee morning
- 18th Sep: Going for gold
- 4th Sep: Oily cart 2017
- 18th Jul: Fun run!
- 18th Jul: World record success!
- 26th Apr: Lower School - Wilderness Garden
- 16th Dec: Trinity 2017 Calendar
- 16th Dec: Interswim and Swimming Panathlon
- 16th Dec: PMLD Boccia
- 16th Dec: Certificate Presentation
- 12th Dec: Lion King - Autism Friendly
- 6th Dec: Trinity Students Trio Of Events
- 6th Dec: Best in Boccia
- 30th Nov: Art Gallery 2016
- 29th Nov: Wear it pink
- 23rd Nov: Behaviour Update - 2016
- 17th Nov: FEC Winter Fayre
- 17th Nov: FEC and LLC Students in Consultation
- 20th Oct: We are off to Wembly
- 20th Oct: Rowing Adventure
- 20th Oct: Big Lottery Games
- 4th Oct: Feeling Fit
- 4th Oct: Wonderful Wednesday
- 18th Sep: Paralympic Legacy
- 15th Jul: Art Inspire
- 15th Jul: Newsletter - July 2016
- 11th Jul: Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award 2016
- 21st Jun: Panathlon
- 13th Jun: Inclusive Water Sports Festival with London Youth Rowing
- 26th May: Duke of Edinburgh
- 23rd May: Boccia National Finals
- 3rd May: Duke of Edinburgh Bronze five out of five!
- 20th Apr: Jack Petchy Award Evening
- 24th Mar: Louise Coleman - Stick Stuck and Luminarium experience
- 23rd Mar: St Mary's Church visit
- 23rd Mar: Panathlon Challenge: Outstanding Results
- 23rd Mar: Sports Relief
- 22nd Mar: Newsletter March 2016
- 22nd Mar: Full Governors
- 16th Mar: Indoor rowing competition
- 16th Mar: Work Scrutiny
- 18th Jan: Sports Fixtures
- 15th Jan: Trip to see the Mayor
- 14th Dec: Further Education Mini Enterprise
- 8th Dec: PMLD Kurling
- 8th Dec: PE - Sporting Madness
- 30th Nov: Art work 2015
- 10th Nov: Wonderful Wednesday!
- 10th Nov: Panathlon Event
- 15th Oct: Trinity School football team
- 23rd Sep: Term Dates
- 23rd Sep: Music - Choir
- 23rd Sep: Drumming Club
- 23rd Sep: Check out our new videos section.
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