About the School - Vision, Values and Aims
- Leading Excellence in complex SEND provision
- Ensuring outstanding person-centred achievement and outcomes
- Including everyone in meaningful and safeguarded life
We value:
- our pupils and their families. We strive to keep them safe and offer an excellent education, personal development, training and inclusion.
- our staff at all levels and give them the best training opportunities to develop and excel as professionals in the work of complex needs.
- our local partnerships, as we look to support excellent attitudes and inclusion for pupils with complex needs in the wider community.
- our work with colleagues from other fields such as medical and social care, speech and language therapy and physiotherapy. In this way, we secure the very best outcomes for our pupils.
- our specialist provision that enhances and supports our work and is integral to the life of the School. PE and Music, for example, give all our children and young adults the opportunity to participate in activities and experiences that affirm their creativity, imagination and emotional well-being.
- British values as enshrined in the importance of the law and democracy. Trinity School reflects such values in its promotion of tolerance, fairness and the right of every individual to expect kindness, respect, support and the freedom to exist within the law.
Curriculum Intent - Aims/Outcomes:
In line with our vision, our curriculum is highly personalised to support outstanding learning for our children and young people with complex needs.
Our key intentions are that, within the context of their own special needs and disabilities, our curriculum will teach our children and young people to...
- have well-developed independent living and self-care skills
- be confident communicative individuals who want to be actively included in life and the community beyond school
- thrive in appropriate, differentiated social settings and as part of our school community, respecting and celebrating differences
- be confident self- advocates and make reasoned and informed decisions appropriate to their needs and wishes
- have developed an ability to regulate their distress and anxiety associated with Autism, Sensory Integration issues and other neurological or mental health conditions
- have the skills to keep themselves safe and healthy
- have appropriate vocational skills, including literacy and numeracy at the highest achievable levels
As a result of following our curriculum, our children and young people will be:
- more independent
- more confident
- more settled, content and emotionally regulated
- more communicative
- more able to participate in social relationships safely
- more respectful of others
- more able to make choices and decisions for themselves
- more able to keep themselves safe
- more able to make healthy choices
- more literate and numerate wherever possible
- more skilled in vocational subjects such as catering, work-based mini-enterprise and horticulture
- more included in meaningful life through sports, music, art and design and our exciting broader curriculum
About the School:
Trinity School is a centre of excellence for the education of pupils with severe learning difficulties and autism.
Exceptional leadership permeates the school. The senior team is constantly striving for the best. Energy is focused effectively and efficiently on actions which have a strong impact on the standards the pupils achieve. Staff have developed extensive specialist knowledge and understanding of how their pupils learn best. (Ofsted July 2007)
The Community We Serve:
Trinity is a special school for over 300 pupils aged 3-19 with diverse learning difficulties.
Trinity is a very large special school in Barking and Dagenham but is currently significantly oversubscribed.
A wide range of special educational needs is reflected in the school population and we serve pupils with:
- Autistic Spectrum Condition
- Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
- Severe Learning Difficulty
The intake is largely from within the Local Authority (90%) and 10% from neighbouring boroughs. Admission to the school may occur at any point in a pupil’s school career.
All pupils have Statements of Special Educational Need/ EHC plan or are placed for assessment purposes.
Assessments undertaken by professionals during the Educational Health and Care (EHC) Plan provide attainment data on entry which is significantly below that of mainstream pupils.